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Bayer belongs to the major league of the modern pharmaceutical field. It was founded in 1863 in Germany and changed the medical world with its first significant breakthrough product - Aspirin. Bayer was the first one to sell acetylsalicylic acid like Aspirin, even though today we take it as a self-sufficient term.

Bayer makes multi-billion revenues every year and produces high-quality substances for any possible needs. The quality control department in Bayer has a budget comparable to a few other pharmaceutical companies.

Bayer Products

It's way easier to say what they do NOT produce. You can get Bayer substances for:

  • Agriculture care;

  • Animals and veterinary;

  • The skin care, cosmetics, and SPA products;

  • A spectrum of various disease treatment and general health.

Bayer Products For Bodybuilding

For performance enhancement, in Canada, you can buy authentic Bayer Testosterone Enanthate, aka Testoviron Depot. It's a classic, probably the most popular Anabolic Steroid on the market.

Supportive Substances By Bayer

When you need to get your natural hormonal level back, you can get Bayer Proviron or Bayer HCG for help. The first one is a mild steroid that smoothes the coming off. HCG is the nuclear option for the most desperate recovery phases.