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MK 677 - Ibutamoren SARM (Oral HGH) 12.5mg/50tabs | Innovagen

MK 677 - Ibutamoren SARM (Oral HGH) 12.5mg/50tabs | Innovagen


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Ibutamoren significantly increases the Growth Hormone secretion in the young and elderly. This leads to increased muscle growth and fat loss, as well as an improvement in well-being.

Classification: GH Secretagogue

Structure: Non-steroidal

Pack: 12.5mg/50tabs

Administration: 25-50 mg/day

MK 677 - Ibutamoren SARM (Oral HGH) 12.5mg/50tabs - Innovagen

  • Classification: GH Secretagogue
  • Structure: Non-steroidal
  • Estrogenic Activity: None
  • Progestational Activity: None
  • Water Retention: None
  • Aromatization: None
  • Hepatotoxicity None
  • Active Half-life: 24 hours
  • Recommended Dosage: 25-50 mg/day

Ibutamoren General Info

Ibutamoren is a growth hormone secretagogue. Ibutamoren stimulates the secretion of growth hormone (GH) from the pituarity. Multiple clinical studies show that Ibutamoren significantly increases the GH and IGF-1 levels in the young and elderly. A single 25 mg dosage of Ibutamoren can be easily compared to 4-5 IUs of injectable HGH and will keep the GH and IGF-1 elevated levels for more than 24 hours.

Ibutamoren Effective Cycles

Ibutamoren is a potent oral ghrelin mimetic that can be used solo or stacked with SARMs or AAS.

Ibutamoren Solo Cycle

1 Week 25 mg/day 

2 Week 25 mg/day

3 Week 25 mg/day 

4 Week 25 mg/day 

5 Week 25 mg/day 

6 Week 25 mg/day 

7 Week 25 mg/day 

8 Week 25 mg/day 


PCT is not required.

Ibutamoren is not a SARM or AAS. It does not suppress natural testosterone production.

Stacking Ibutamoren and LGD-3303 

1 Week 

Ibutamoren 25 mg/day 

LGD-3303 20 mg/day

2 Week 

Ibutamoren 25 mg/day

LGD-3303 20 mg/day

3 Week 

Ibutamoren 25 mg/day

LGD-3303 20 mg/day

4 Week 

Ibutamoren 25 mg/day

LGD-3303 20 mg/day

5 Week 

Ibutamoren 25 mg/day

LGD-3303 20 mg/day

6 Week 

Ibutamoren 25 mg/day

LGD-3303 20 mg/day

7 Week 

Ibutamoren 25 mg/day

LGD-3303 20 mg/day

8 Week 

Ibutamoren 25 mg/day

LGD-3303 20 mg/day


Please note that Ibutamoren does not require PCT, but LGD-3303 and LGD-4033 require a PCT.

1 Week Nolvadex 40 mg/day

2 Week Nolvadex 40 mg/day

3 Week Nolvadex 20 mg/day

4 Week Nolvadex 20 mg/day

Ibutamoren Administration 

Athletes weighing up to 80 kg - 25 mg/day

Athletes weighing more than 80 kg -50mg/day

Recommended cycle length 8-12 weeks

Ibutamoren Main Benefits

  • Significantly increases GH and IGF-1 levels
  • Increases lean muscle mass
  • Strengthens bones by increasing calcium retention
  • Strengthens joints and ligaments in the body
  • Promotes lipolysis
  • Decreases total body fat
  • Improves healing time (trauma, surgery)
  • Drops recovery time between workouts
  • Longer workouts
  • Shorter rest periods in between sets
  • Improvement in explosive exercises
  • Improves cholesterol profile
  • Decreases LDL (bad) cholesterol
  • Increases HDL (good) cholesterol
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Increases appetite 
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Enhances skin thickness and elasticity
  • Diminishes sun damage-type wrinkling
  • Improves mood and overall well-being

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