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Testosterone Acetate 125mg - Testalin | Innovagen

Testosterone Acetate 125mg - Testalin | Innovagen


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Testalin is the purest pharmaceutical-grade Testosterone Acetate. Testosterone Acetate is a fast-acting ester of Testosterone Testalin is used in all types of cycles and as a supporting compound to prevent suppression caused by other AAS.

Administration: 20-400 mg/ twice a week

Cycle length: 4-12 weeks

Pinning frequency: ED or EOD


PCT: Nolvadex

Stack with: Any AAS

Pack: 125mg/ml - 5ml

Testosterone Acetate 125mg - Testalin | Innovagen

  • Classification: Anabolic Steroid
  • Androgenic: 100
  • Anabolic: 100
  • Standard: Testosterone
  • Estrogenic Activity: Moderate
  • Progestational Activity: Low
  • Water Retention: Low
  • Aromatization: Yes
  • Hepatotoxicity No
  • Active Half-life: 2-3 days
  • Recommended Dosage: 200-400 mg/ twice a week

Testalin General Information

Testalin is the purest pharmaceutical-grade Testosterone Acetate. Testosterone Acetate is a fast-acting ester of Testosterone that is widely used in clinical medicine and various sports. Testalin is used in all types of cycles and as a supporting compound to prevent suppression caused by other AAS.

What to expect

  • Quality muscle mass increase
  • Intra-muscular fat reduction
  • Muscle hardness and vascularity
  • Substantial strength and endurance increase
  • Intensive and more productive workouts
  • Faster recovery
  • Increase in libido and sex drive
  • Instant protein synthesis boost
  • Significant mood, motivation, and well-being improvement

Testalin Effective Cycles Samples

Testalin can be used solo or combined with any other AAS.

Testalin Solo Cycle 


What to expect

  • Quality Muscle Mass Gains
  • Strength and endurance Increase
  • Immediate Increase in libido and sex drive

1 Week-Testalin 100 mg/EOD

2 Week-Testalin 100 mg/EOD

3 Week-Testalin 100 mg/EOD

4 Week-Testalin 100 mg/EOD

5 Week-Testalin 100 mg/EOD

6 Week-Testalin 100 mg/EOD

7 Week-Testalin 100 mg/EOD

8 Week-Testalin 100 mg/EOD

Post Cycle Therapy

All testosterone forms and derivates will suppress the endogenous test production. Only an effective PCT would allow you to secure the gains, minimize the rollback and avoid health issues in the future.

1 Week Nolvadex 40 mg/day

2 Week Nolvadex 40 mg/day

3 Week Nolvadex 20 mg/day

4 Week Nolvadex 20 mg/day

Testalin and Nabolin Cycle

Nabolin as Kickstarter of a bulking cycle

What to expect

  • Significant Muscle Mass Gains
  • Strength and endurance Increase
  • Immediate Increase in libido and sex drive

1 Week 

Testalin 100 mg/EOD

Nabolin 20 mg/day (split into 2 intakes before a meal)

2 Week 

Testalin 100 mg/EOD

Nabolin 30 mg/day (split into 3 intakes before a meal)

3 Week 

Testalin 100 mg/EOD

Nabolin 40 mg/day (split into 3 intakes before a meal)

4 Week

Testalin 100 mg/EOD 

Nabolin 30 mg/day (split into 3 intakes before a meal)

5 Week 

Testalin 100 mg/EOD

Nabolin 30 mg/day (split into 3 intakes before a meal)

6 Week 

Testalin 100 mg/EOD

Nabolin 20 mg/day (split into 3 intakes before a meal)

Week 7-12

Testalin 100 mg/EOD

On Cycle Support

Arimidex 1 mg every other day

Post Cycle Therapy

1 Week

HCG 1000IUs ones in 3 days 

2 Week

HCG 1000IUs ones in 3 days 

Clomid 100 mg/day 

3 Week

Clomid 100 mg/day 

4 Week

Clomid 50 mg/day

5 Week

Clomid 50 mg/day

Testalin Administration Female Athletes 

Female athletes can use Testalin also.

Recommended dosage range 25-50 mg once in 4 or 6 days

We strongly advise following the recommended dosages and administration frequency to avoid virilization and masculinization.

Testalin Administration Male Athletes

Recommended dosage range 200-400 mg/ twice a week

Recommended cycle length 8-12 weeks

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