Profile (History, Chemical Structure, Characteristics)


Chorionic gonadotropin was first discovered in 1920 and about 8 years later it was identified as a hormone, which is important during pregnancy. The first drug containing chorionic gonadotropin came in the form of animal pituitary extract, which was developed as a commercial product by the company Organon.

Today this drug has become very popular. Due to the fact that the drug is not controlled at the federal level, athletes and bodybuilders in the United States, having no chance to find a local physician who is ready to prescribe a drug for steroid-induced hypogonadism treatment, often buy the product from other international sources.

As the drug is relatively cheap and rarely forged, most international sources are quite reliable. Although in recent years recombinant forms of human chorionic gonadotropin hit the market, a wide availability and a low cost of biological HCG still make it a drug for direct and indirect application.

Chemical structure

By its chemical structure chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein consisting of two subunits: alpha and beta. Α-subunit of HCG is completely homologous to the α-subunits of luteinizing, follicle-stimulating and thyrotropic hormones. B-subunit of HCG is unique and makes it distinct from LH, FSH and TSH. Chorionic gonadotropin consists of 237 amino acids and its molecular mass equals to 36.7 kilodaltons.


  1. Drug effect: up to 24 hours
  2. Classification: hypothalamic hormones, pituitary hormones, gonadotropins and their antagonists
  3. Method of application: injections
  4. Dosage: Men 250-500 UI per week
  5. Acne: Yes
  6. Water retention: Yes
  7. High blood pressure: there are contraindications
  8. Hepatotoxicity: It is prohibited to take the drug in case of liver dysfunction
  9. Detection time: 7-11 days



  • It promotes sex hormones synthesis in the testes, so that it produces the same effects as testosterone.
  • Stimulates spermatogenesis.
  • Boosts the development of sexual organs and secondary sexual characteristics.
  • In women, it stimulates progesterone production in the yellow body, triggers ovulation and contributes to the development of placenta.


Side effects

HCG may cause the same side effects as testosterone does. Heavy dosages or long-term cycles of gonadotropin suppress gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion, which results in the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis dysfunction. It is not recommended to take large doses (2000-5000 IU) for more than 20 days, though according to a number of studies, desensitization of the testes occurs only if the dosage exceeds 5000 IU or HCG is taken more than 3 times a week. This protocol is considered to be safe even for a pro.

Information that gonadotropin allegedly causes pregnancy symptoms in men is absolutely absurd and contradict reality.

Size of testes

Anabolic agents suppress luteinizing hormone which supports (stimulates) normal testicular function. After a 12-16 week AAS cycle Leydig cell volume is reduced by 90% and testosterone secretion – by 98%. Leydig cells account for only about 5% of the testes weight.

  •  Testes palpation is not a reliable analysis method, as the volume may be slightly changed (only 5%), despite near-complete suppression of the function.

Dosages and Uses

Dosages: 2 injections of gonadotropin per week in a dose of 250-500 UI

Frequency: twice a week

Today, pharmaceutical industry produces a huge amount of HCG-containing drugs. After intramuscular administration the drug is well absorbed. The half-life equals to several hours, though the effect of an injection lasts for 5-6 days.

Injectable chorionic gonadotropin is a dry substance enclosed in a vial. A vial with HCG is accompanied with a vial containing liquid to reconstitute the drug. Usually, it’s a sodium chloride solution. The powder is well dissolved in the solution. The resulting mixture should be injected intramuscularly or subdermally. If you did not use all the liquid, the remaining one should be placed in a refrigerator. Dry HCG should be kept in a dark place at temperatures below +25 degrees Celsius.

The only reliable indicator of the drug action is HCG level, which can be checked through the relevant blood tests.

It is not recommended for weight loss and anabolic effect.

Cycles (Courses)

If the course lasts no more than 5-6 weeks and it consists of one drug taken in small doses, then there is no need to resort to gonadotropin. If the duration exceeds 6 weeks, the doses are high and 2 or more drugs are involved, then: starting from 2nd -4th week (or at least during the last 3-5 weeks of the cycle), perform 2 injections of gonadotropin in a dose of 250-500 IU weekly to prevent testicular atrophy. The course ends with the anabolic drug removal and is followed by the post cycle therapy. During the cycles which last for many months gonadotropin is injected on regular basis, and every 4-5 weeks it is necessary to take a break for at least a week in order to prevent desensitization. According to the latest scientific data, this method is considered optimal, as it helps to maintain testicular function and contributes to complete post-cycle recovery.