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TB500 (Injury Support) Thymosin beta4 (17-23) 10mg | Innovagen

TB500 (Injury Support) Thymosin beta4 (17-23) 10mg | Innovagen


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Brand: Innovagen

Substance: HGH & Peptides

Dosage and packing: 10mg per vial

TB500 is a synthetic copy of Thymosin Beta-4 and is considered the best trauma and injury recovery booster available on the market. TB500 provides fast and very effective trauma and wound healing of all injured tissues in the body: internal organs, muscles, ligaments, skin wounds Instant pain relief and anti-inflammation.

  • Classification: Peptide
  • Structure Non-steroidal
  • Administration: 10-20 mg/week
  • Substance: TB-500
  • Pack: 10mg

TB500 (Injury Support) Thymosin beta4 (17-23) 10mg - Innovagen

TB500 is a synthetic copy of Thymosin Beta-4 and is considered the best trauma and injury recovery booster available on the market.

Thymosin Beta-4 General Info

Thymosin Beta-4 is a peptide that is present in every tissue in the body. Its primary function is to repair, heal and protect the injured tissue. Once any tissue in the body gets injured, it sends a signal to the thymus gland to start the secretion of Thymosin Beta-4. Thymosin Beta-4 peptide locates the injury, stops further damage, and repairs the injured tissue. 

The biggest concern with the natural healing mechanism is the prolonged time caused by the low amount and slow secretion speed of Thymosin Beta-4.

Administration of TB500 increases the Thymosin Beta-4 concentration in the body, resulting in fast healing and recovery.

10-20mg/week split into 2-3 injections 

Therapy length 6 weeks

Loading phase

20 mg/week for 2-3 weeks

Maintenance dosage

10mg/week for 2-3 weeks

TB 500 Subcutaneous Administration

The most simple administration of TB-500.

Pinch an area of skin as close as possible to your injury and push the injection through.

TB 500 Intramuscular Administration

We strongly recommend massaging the injection site for 3-5 minutes to increase the absorption and the effectiveness of TB500.

Supplies needed for TB-500 Therapy

TB-500 comes in the form of powder (lyophilized) that must be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water.

  • TB-500
  • Bacteriostatic water
  • Alcohol swab/prep pads
  • Insulin Syringe


TB 500 Reconstitution

  1. Swab the stoppers of TB-500 and the bacteriostatic water vials with an alcohol swab.
  2. Draw up the 2cc of bacteriostatic water
  3. Push the syringe with diluent into the TB500 vial
  4. Angle the needle, so it is touching the side of the vial.
  5. It is crucial to avoid shooting directly on the powder.
  6. Run down the bacteriostatic water slowly on the side of the vial
  7. Don't rush in the bacteriostatic water forcefully
  8. After the bacteriostatic water is in the TB500 vial, do not shake or agitate the vial
  9. Once you have a clear liquid, the TB500 is ready to use
  10. Store the reconstituted TB500 vial in the refrigerator

Storing TB-500 

TB-500 Lyophilized Form 

TB500 in Lyophilized Form must be kept at 36-46F (2-8 C).

Keep in a dry and dark place, and do not expose the vial to direct light.

Reconstituted TB-500

Reconstituted TB-500 must be kept in the refrigerator and no longer than 7-8 days.

TB500 Main Benefits

  • Fast and very effective trauma and wound healing of all injured tissues in the body 
  • (internal organs, muscles, ligaments, skin wounds)
  • Instant pain relief
  • Stops the creation of molecules that cause inflammation
  • Increases the creation of anti-inflammatory molecules
  • Protects heart tissue
  • Potent immunity booster (assists in the development of B cells)
  • Effective treatment for a dry eye disorder
  • Increases strength and endurance

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